Meanie is a transdisciplinary artist, working between mediums, primarily in portraiture and documentary photography. Her work is informed by observation of the beauty of the world. Born and raised in Blackpool with roots in Lebanon, she draws inspiration from the intersection of her diverse cultural background and urban experiences, crafting conceptual narratives that transcend conventional boundaries. Meanie’s work is characterised by a deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of art, and the theoretical and political investigation towards a better future.

Work and Education

2024- Postcolonial Theory and Art (Liberal Arts BA)

2024- ‘Futurescapes’ group exhibition, University of Warwick

2024- Photographer, Arab Women Artists Now Festival

2023- Photographer, Warwick Arts Centre

2022- URSS: Undergraduate Research Support Scheme, photo research project award

2019- Painting Apprenticeship with Saafi Jouni

2019- Leeds Arts University Summer School


instagram/ meaniemeaniemeaniemeanie

writing/ meaniemeanie